
A Shopify app for syncing Etsy orders.

Does Shopify connect with Etsy? Yes – and here's how to do it

Discover how to seamlessly connect your Shopify store with Etsy to expand your reach and sell on multiple platforms. Follow our step-by-step guide now!

Connect Shopify with Etsy

This is the guide for you if you’ve already set up a Shopify store and are now thinking about expanding to Etsy – or selling on both platforms at the same time. 

You’ll be pleased to hear that you can integrate Shopify with Etsy! 

Why would you want to integrate Etsy with Shopify?

Connecting the two platforms can be hugely beneficial for small business shop owners, as you can:

  • Synchronise inventory: This makes it easier for you to manage both shops at the same time. Believe us when we say this will save you a lot of time in the long run! 
  • Import/export products: Update product listings from one platform to another
  • Manage orders from one place: By syncing orders from Etsy to Shopify, you will never miss a customer order again
  • Migrate from Shopify to Etsy or Etsy to Shopify: If you’d prefer to sell on just one platform, connecting both Etsy and Shopify can make migration easier from one to the other

Using Shopify and Etsy at the same time: why you should sell on both 

If you’re looking to connect Shopify with Etsy, you’ve probably considered selling on both platforms simultaneously. Etsy is the (market)place to be if you’re selling handmade, creative items. Shopify gives you more control over your brand, with full customisation of your store and a host of e-commerce features to take advantage of as your business grows. There are also no limitations to what products you can sell on Shopify. 

In our experience, Etsy and Shopify are different enough that it makes sense to sell on both platforms at the same time. Etsy brings the traffic, while Shopify is ideal for businesses looking to scale. If you’re still unsure about the advantages of selling on both, read our Etsy vs Shopify comparison guide.  

How to connect Etsy with Shopify 

With all the benefits of both Etsy and Shopify, you’re probably keen to connect the two platforms. Take advantage of the Shopify App Store and find the Etsy order sync app that suits you. You can connect and sync orders from Etsy to Shopify easily with Athlete

GUIDE: How to get started with Etsy sync app Athlete 

In order to authorise an app with Etsy, you will most likely need to set up your shop in advance and add SKUs to your products. Setting up SKUs from the outset will save you a lot of time as your business grows.  

Reasons to use Athlete to sync Etsy orders in Shopify 

Connect all orders in one place 

Athlete will help you to easily connect your most popular sales channels and manage all your orders in one place. Save time and never miss an order again. 

Sync order information quickly 

Athlete syncs orders and fulfillments from Etsy to Shopify in an average of 21 seconds, making sure you can process orders and notify customers quickly.

Grows with your business 

Athlete will scale with your business and won’t need replacing. With thousands of orders already processed, it can handle your busiest days. 

Easy to use

Athlete's dashboard gives you a clear view of what’s happening with your orders. It works within the Shopify admin and within the Shopify mobile app. It's super easy to access, even on the move.

TL; DR? It's time to sell on Etsy with Shopify 

If you already have a Shopify store, you can continue to expand your business onto popular marketplaces such as Etsy. If you choose to sell on both Shopify and Etsy, we recommend connecting your sales channels in one place through an order syncing app, such as Athlete. Not only will this save you time, but it’s built to handle more complex orders such as upgraded shipping, discounts and personalisation with ease and precision. 

Before you go, you might also be interested in our Etsy vs Shopify comparison guide. 

Athlete loads your Etsy orders to your Shopify store, so you can manage them in one place.